The universe is a triumvirate. Religion propounds the trinity of the Supreme being as Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, or the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Science propounds the theory of energy, matter and antimatter. Psychoanalysts study the conscious, unconscious and the super conscious. In the same way human behavior and its outcome is a threefold process of right belief, leading to right attitude and resulting in beneficial results. In the same way that energy can never be created or destroyed, these behavioral processes are interlinked and constantly circulating in the same energy field.
These are self evident truths and need little explanation or discussion. Arguments arise when perceptions of right beliefs, attitudes and results begin to differ. There are many value systems in the world, many religious creeds and philosophies but one simple, logical and uplifting mantra for a fulfilling life is that we are all created in the image of the Supreme energy with unlimited potential to achieve our aims and script our destinies. One simple belief which can change the way we look at ourselves and at the world around us.
Experience the surge of energy which rushes through your system if every morning and before sleeping you reiterated to yourself one positive thought with faith and commitment which is that you are blessed to be in the human form with unlimited potential and ability. Slowly the spirit will absorb this information, start sending messages to the brain , and gradually your mind will begin to alter its perceptions about the world around you - your physical surroundings, the people you interact with, your own personality and presence. With heightened positive awareness, greater comfort with your own physical body and exuding an aura of joy you will stride through the day with a new attitude. Your actions, words and thoughts will be full of confidence, clarity and joy and you will achieve results which had hitherto seemed unattainable.
The time for change is NOW - not for changing the world, the collective consciousness, the climate, or all the other manifold disasters we have consciously or unconsciously contributed to, but for changing our individual consciousness and the way in which we perceive ourselves. That is the call we must heed and joyfully embrace.
Wonderful reading