Just explore sometime the difference between religious conditioning and beliefs and the actual words of the enlightened Masters and you will find a vast difference between intention and implementation. Religion is about power and control of the masses through indoctrination and fear, and spirituality is about freeing the soul from these layers of trappings and allowing it to see the reason and purpose of its journey to this plane and to realize that there is no fear and no punishment except on Earth and it is there for a reason.
I feel I am no longer trapped by my karmas, because I can see where they are coming from and I know that I can largely negate them in this lifetime whenever I so desire, and take charge of my own life, now and in the future. Everywhere, the choice is mine and that is empowerment. Knowledge, money, social status, family, possessions, nothing will go with me when I shed this physical body, but the emotional charge which my feelings carry at the time of death will remain. That emotional charge is all I want to work on.
I read something very interesting today. It said that coma is largely self-induced, and in that state, the soul can review its learning without the interference of external stimuli. Then when it departs the world, it has largely cleansed itself of its delusions and illusions. That immediately put me in mind of my mother's 18 day comatose state in the hospital, and the profound change in her physical appearance that all of us noticed when she actually died. I had noticed earlier also that she looked beautifully peaceful when she passed away. Probably while she was in coma, she made peace with herself, understood and felt satisfied with the learning experiences she had garnered, and felt the light of unconditional love embracing her, making the journey out of the physical body easy for her. My mother-in-law used to wonder why we allowed her to survive for those 18 days but today I realize how important that time and that experience was for my mother's growth and what a profound sense of peace that gives me.
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