Yes, family, school, social environment, and past soul experiences impact our minds and hamper the creative choices we make, but they can never subdue it. The light and the dark are within us and the moment we sit up, become aware that we are solely responsible for our state of mind and being, and that we can change our circumstances just by becoming less judgmental about ourselves by analyzing where the dark thoughts are coming from, then we have transcended the system.
I am not talking big words without having walked the whole process painfully and finally deliriously joyously. While I looked at myself through the eyes of the Jaipur clan, the Gupta fraternity, and other myriad factors, I was unhappy, physically diseased, and completely unsure of myself. Today I stand tall and confident, wanting no confirmation or back slapping from anyone, secure in my own space, and ready to share my abundance with others. It only required a change in my thinking and the realization that I am not responsible for anyone but myself.
I do not know how many breaths are written in my life story and absolutely no clue about how long other people including my children, spouse or parents are going to share my
If you ever want to share anything, I am always available. Take care and smile, because the world is such a beautiful place, your home is so pretty, and you are so blessed to be alive today, right now, in a time when our whole earth system is undergoing a shift - when the dawn of the New Age has already begun.
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