Communication is a verbal and emotional exchange of energy which can be extremely effective if properly directed. Many couples today face challenges in their relationships because they fail to communicate effectively with their partner.
Listed below are some simple guidelines for meaningful and purposeful communication which can help to resolve issues rather than magnify them:
1. Always focus on the Here and Now
It is always important to avoid cross references to the past. When we continuously bring up past issues then we are stripping from the person the ability to make a change NOW. People are willing to make changes and may be desiring to do so but constant to past issues puts the other person on the defensive.
2. Focus on 'I' messages
When a person talks about his own feelings, the other's compassion naturally arises. Instead of focusing on the other person's actions and criticizing them, it is better to explain how the situation is affecting the speaker himself/herself. This negates the belief that a critical attitude is being adopted and a blame game is being initiated. Instead it becomes a means of communicating your own vulnerability.
3. Use Specifics; no Generalizations
Effective communication occurs when a specific problem or issue is addressed. Generalizations are a broad spectrum of attitudes and beliefs which cannot be changed all at once. Pick up one particular issue, deal with the effect it is having at this present time and how it affects the speaker, and then try and resolve the issue through dialogue. Specifics can be addressed. Generalizations cannot be changed.
4. No Bunching and Dumping
Sometimes there are a number of issues which need to be resolved. However, a comfortable and effective dialogue can be undertaken when a whole host of grievances are not bunched together and dumped on the other. This creates a hostile environment and there is a tendency for the other person to withdraw into silence or erupt in anger.
5. Employ a feedback mechanism
It is always best during communication to explain what you speak. This ensures that there will be less emotional volatility during the verbal process and it will guarantee you a response. It is essentially an attempt to draw out the other person's thoughts and feelings also so that any changes in perception can be monitored and any common ground between the participants can be drawn out.
These are very simple but tremendously effective and powerful means of diffusing the emotional charge especially when situations of marital discord are being dealt with. Every human being is a unique individual and emotional compatibility is best achieved when this uniqueness is acknowledged and appreciated and yet some attempt is made to find grounds of common interest rather than wanting to change the other person into one's own perception of the ideal.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Belief, Attitude, Result

The universe is a triumvirate. Religion propounds the trinity of the Supreme being as Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, or the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Science propounds the theory of energy, matter and antimatter. Psychoanalysts study the conscious, unconscious and the super conscious. In the same way human behavior and its outcome is a threefold process of right belief, leading to right attitude and resulting in beneficial results. In the same way that energy can never be created or destroyed, these behavioral processes are interlinked and constantly circulating in the same energy field.
These are self evident truths and need little explanation or discussion. Arguments arise when perceptions of right beliefs, attitudes and results begin to differ. There are many value systems in the world, many religious creeds and philosophies but one simple, logical and uplifting mantra for a fulfilling life is that we are all created in the image of the Supreme energy with unlimited potential to achieve our aims and script our destinies. One simple belief which can change the way we look at ourselves and at the world around us.
Experience the surge of energy which rushes through your system if every morning and before sleeping you reiterated to yourself one positive thought with faith and commitment which is that you are blessed to be in the human form with unlimited potential and ability. Slowly the spirit will absorb this information, start sending messages to the brain , and gradually your mind will begin to alter its perceptions about the world around you - your physical surroundings, the people you interact with, your own personality and presence. With heightened positive awareness, greater comfort with your own physical body and exuding an aura of joy you will stride through the day with a new attitude. Your actions, words and thoughts will be full of confidence, clarity and joy and you will achieve results which had hitherto seemed unattainable.
The time for change is NOW - not for changing the world, the collective consciousness, the climate, or all the other manifold disasters we have consciously or unconsciously contributed to, but for changing our individual consciousness and the way in which we perceive ourselves. That is the call we must heed and joyfully embrace.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Soul Ascension

People who rigorously cleanse their energetic and emotional fields can then get in touch with their Higher Self and actually understand why they have taken birth in this current life, what they have come to learn or resolve, and how far away or how close they are to soul ascension. Nothing happens by chance, people come into our lives for a reason, and most often the person who victimizes you the most is the soul who has made a pact with you to behave in a certain way so that you can learn the lesson you have come here to imbibe. ,
Today, I have found great peace of mind and completely rid myself of my asthma, allergies and the deep depression which I had fallen into. I feel a curious kind of detachment and a far greater sense of calm. Today we are shifting out of the apartment we have been living in for the last 8 years. We will now stay in our own flat in Mumbai. The period of transition is always a little unsettling but this will be my true test of how much in control of myself I actually am.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Intention and Implementation
Just explore sometime the difference between religious conditioning and beliefs and the actual words of the enlightened Masters and you will find a vast difference between intention and implementation. Religion is about power and control of the masses through indoctrination and fear, and spirituality is about freeing the soul from these layers of trappings and allowing it to see the reason and purpose of its journey to this plane and to realize that there is no fear and no punishment except on Earth and it is there for a reason.
I feel I am no longer trapped by my karmas, because I can see where they are coming from and I know that I can largely negate them in this lifetime whenever I so desire, and take charge of my own life, now and in the future. Everywhere, the choice is mine and that is empowerment. Knowledge, money, social status, family, possessions, nothing will go with me when I shed this physical body, but the emotional charge which my feelings carry at the time of death will remain. That emotional charge is all I want to work on.
I read something very interesting today. It said that coma is largely self-induced, and in that state, the soul can review its learning without the interference of external stimuli. Then when it departs the world, it has largely cleansed itself of its delusions and illusions. That immediately put me in mind of my mother's 18 day comatose state in the hospital, and the profound change in her physical appearance that all of us noticed when she actually died. I had noticed earlier also that she looked beautifully peaceful when she passed away. Probably while she was in coma, she made peace with herself, understood and felt satisfied with the learning experiences she had garnered, and felt the light of unconditional love embracing her, making the journey out of the physical body easy for her. My mother-in-law used to wonder why we allowed her to survive for those 18 days but today I realize how important that time and that experience was for my mother's growth and what a profound sense of peace that gives me.
Yes, family, school, social environment, and past soul experiences impact our minds and hamper the creative choices we make, but they can never subdue it. The light and the dark are within us and the moment we sit up, become aware that we are solely responsible for our state of mind and being, and that we can change our circumstances just by becoming less judgmental about ourselves by analyzing where the dark thoughts are coming from, then we have transcended the system.
I am not talking big words without having walked the whole process painfully and finally deliriously joyously. While I looked at myself through the eyes of the Jaipur clan, the Gupta fraternity, and other myriad factors, I was unhappy, physically diseased, and completely unsure of myself. Today I stand tall and confident, wanting no confirmation or back slapping from anyone, secure in my own space, and ready to share my abundance with others. It only required a change in my thinking and the realization that I am not responsible for anyone but myself.
I do not know how many breaths are written in my life story and absolutely no clue about how long other people including my children, spouse or parents are going to share my
If you ever want to share anything, I am always available. Take care and smile, because the world is such a beautiful place, your home is so pretty, and you are so blessed to be alive today, right now, in a time when our whole earth system is undergoing a shift - when the dawn of the New Age has already begun.
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