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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Life's best kept secret

The most wondrous revelation about life is that we are always perfect, whole, and complete in our essence. E very experience that we undergo in any lifetime is specifically chosen by our souls for the sheer joy and excitement of enacting an ever-changing story.  The challenge every day and every moment is simply to remain in touch with our Beingness, our inner energy field, instead of losing ourselves in the delusion of our outward manifestation.

We are all here to transcend our limitations from wherever we may have imbibed them. They may have been accumulated slowly over lifetimes of non-awareness of our true nature, gradually obscuring our self-image, abilities, and our vision of our personal and collective circumstances. They may be a result of childhood traumas caused by the dysfunctionality of the family and society in which we take birth.

No one is to blame for the personality we manifest inwardly and outwardly. The truth is that life is ever –changing and the power of change is in our hands at this very moment as soon as we acknowledge the true nature of our reality – our oneness with the One Supreme Intelligence which governs all creation.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Success mantra

You are where your thoughts have brought you; you will be where your thoughts take you.  ( James Allen). 

Traumatic or unexplained incidents which occur in childhood create energy blockages which hamper and restrict the free flow of energy through mind, body and spirit. The world and our personal situations are viewed through sub conscious filters and our perception of people and situations becomes distorted. We create feelings of guilt, resentment, anger and frustration  and we become fearful of similar incidents reprising themselves in the present.

The past is dead and best released with gratitude for the experiences it brought, the understanding and awareness of our strengths and limitations at that juncture, and the chance it gives us to create a new world with enhanced insight and knowledge.

“Be kind to yourself. Begin to love and approve of yourself. That’s what the little child within needs in order to express itself at its highest potential”.  ( Louise L. Hay)

Affirmation  - Louise L. Hay
In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete.
The past has no power over me because I am willing to learn and to change.
I see the past as necessary to bring me to where I am today.
I am willing to begin where I am right now to clean the rooms of my mental house.
I know it does not matter where I start, so now I begin with the smallest and easiest rooms, and in that way I will get results quickly.
I am thrilled to be in this adventure, for I know I will never go through this particular experience again.
I am willing to set myself free.
All is well in my world.